Sea Life Blankenberge


City: Blankenberge
Country: Belgium
Province: West Flandern
Opend 1994

Species 200

As the name says this branch of Sea Life not only shows fish, but alså Asian Small-Clawed Otters, Californian Sea Lions, Humbold's Penguins and its as well Belgiums national Seal Sanctury (You especially meet Harbour Seals)

Remember to get your hand staped, so that you can reentry all day long.

Vis stort kort

Last visit 2010





Sea Life Blankenberge
Koning Albert I Laan 116
B - 8370 Blankenberge


Phone number 50424300





Open 10am - 4 pm, closed the 25th december





  • Adult 30 Euro
  • Child 26,- Euro
Year Pass
  • Adult 42,- Euro
  • Child 36- Euro
Map 2011 Map 2015

At a roundtrip in the aquarium we vegin to look at fresh water aquariums showing feish frome belgian lakes, going on to the tropical lakes (with species like the piranha) and from there to the outdoors playgrounds, Seal & Sea Lion Show, Asian Small-clawd Otters, Humbols'd Penguins, Crab-Island (here you can pet a crab and other creatures frome the bottom of the ocean) and North Sea Discovery Centre(Witk small animals and fish from the Northern Sea). Here there are daily shows wich normally are in Dutch, but the guide speaks fluentliy english and is worth to joyn, course hes engaged and tryes to get every person to be an active part of the show. Back in the main building we look at Kamchatka Crabs, Sea Horses, funny Rays, the Sea Turtle Lagoon and the big Shark-Tunnel, where the sharks are swimming above your head.



DE: Dies ist Belgiens einziges Sea Life Center, wo man niedliche Kurzkrallenottern trift, aber auch Haie, Seelöwn, Pinguine und Japanische Riesenkrabben. Das Sea Life Center hat auch eine auffangsstation für heuler.

DK: Dette er Belgiens eneste Sea Life Centre og viser ved siden af de sædvanlige akvarier - så som det akvarier for hajer, søde dværgodder, pingviner og det nationale opfangstcenter for sæler
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